A secret is a secret, but sometimes a secret must come out and this ‘secret society’ must be shared and certainly be open. So as friends and colleagues of Secret Society we are spilling the secret out.

It isn’t really easy to stumble upon this secret, but for those of the flock that have eyes of a hawk, you would have discovered the little concept store only lies a few steps away from MA09.

Named Secret Society, the store bares the right name with it’s location. Situated in the narrow ‘ruelle de’ lallakroken of Briskeby in Oslo.
Secret Society was a delight to discover for those who likes it the japanese way with the american tag and the european touch.
The store popped up in 2007 and after 3 years the store feels as new and as modern. The founders of the store haled to the japanese design and architecture for their clean whitish and minimalist wooden interior. Only one piece of a style will hang out and jewelry and other items are neatly placed on wooden staircase like shelves or in glassboxes.

It is a young trio behind the store and this is clearly reflected through the labels that have been taken in. Several of the young designers that have sky rocked the fashion world these latest couple of years have been presented at this store in Oslo or for that matter, Norway.

Fanny Jahre is the manager/buyer and the co owner with Magnus Thorud & Kyrre Alver of fashion comany Blender Agency.

As Magnus

Thorud & Kyrre Alver travel the world to find new brands,
Fanny Jahre runs her own graphic design company as well as managing the store.

Fanny Jahre

Take a walk to this multi brand store;
Secret Society, Briskebyveien 38, entrance in Lallakroken.

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